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Tuesday, June 9, 2009


wait - exam is in a week. following that is summer school ... ok not yet.

At the beginning the year, we've done some interesting projects such as multiple exposure. This project was pretty fun. I had to do different poses with the same scene for alteast 5 times. Of course, I over did it and had more than five. Haha. I admit that I regret taking the photos inside my house than having to have pictures outside like a park or something more interesting. Overall this was a fun project to do!

The second project of the year was making a Collage. We learned techniques on Adobe Photoshop and how to edit/balance the pictures. I thought this project was fun and interesting and used different tools that's on Photoshop. The point of my image is that "Clowns need someone too". So I dressed up as a clown and as you can see, it looks like I'm touching what surrounds me. It is purposely supposed to make it look like the 'clown' aches for the good things that's surrounding it. And hopefully I had succeded on making that look.

Will Smith is my HERO! Yes, that's right. I used him as my eccentrick person for my third project to put my pattern on. This time we used Adobe Illustrator instead of Adobe Photoshop which was a different kind of tool. It was great learning things and I badly want it now. Haha, I'm thinking of saving up for it in the near future. Maybe, I'll do more vectorizing. But anyways, this project was a bundle of fun but unfortuantely, I didn't finish on time to have it hung on the wall in the Art Show. In result, I was proud of it.

LAAAAST PROJECT!!! There's so much to say in this video. It was actually the higlight of my year. Making this video was super fun and just watching brings me joy! If only I have the capability to have it on this entry.

Anyways, IT WAS A GREAT FUN YEAR! Glad to have it shared with you, and everyone else! EYYYOOO! peace



Friday, June 5, 2009


The following people are the entries I've commented on:
Gelica S.
Monque L.
Velanie G.
Cassandra F.
Ana A.
Tracy Y.

Love you all, muahs.
xoxo Princess (LOL)

This year's Art Show was amazing! I think it was fun, do you think it was fun? Well, more importantly I think it was fun. There were new projects up and about and so dazzling to see! Each art class did some big projects and I couldn't help but take pictures with several of them. Since I have three art courses, I've been part of security throughout the Art Show week and have been to all three of the areas. Some, I had some peace and quiet and MOST of the time everyone and everything were hyped and great! It was a fun amazing experience talking to teachers, talking to the visiting students from other schools, and most importantly viewing the art that were displayed.

My favorite piece was the Clothing line by Danielle Roche. I kept saying "OH MY GOODNESS. I LOVE THESE DRESSES" and "Aww, those images look amazing!" over and over again. And eventually everyone knows what my favorite pieces are.



Wednesday, June 3, 2009

@ 8:52 PM

Look at that phone! Isn't it a beaut? Ohhh maan, if I could get my hands on that, I'd be the happiest girl alive! Just kidding, but that's what they all say these days and in the end they want a newer phone. Society has grown into life's conveniences such as this wonderful object to the left but lately, it's been used in inappropriate times. WHERE ARE THE MANNERS?! It's like, the word doesn't even exist in this century anymore.

First of all, who talks on the phone when eating? THIS LADY WHOM I'M RELATED TO that's who! I won't give out names but as much as I love her and how grateful I am to be her daughter (lol), she talks on the phone while eating and that's a little rude there missy. But hey! It's not only her, there are other people out there who does the same thing. (love you mom!)

2nd, to the drivers out there those who call and drive are caaaarazy! It's like a deja vu of drinking and driving. It can cause accidents, my dears! Don't manslaughter.

3rd, don't you find it annoying when someone's phone rings during class? To save you from embarrassment try turning it off or silent your phones before coming to class.

4th, NEVER I say never ever talk on the phone when you're in the bathroom. Mishaps can happen and you might even loose your phone. And I won't name the people who've dropped their phone in the toilet but I know some people who did. :)

5th, Can you please talk properly? Make meaningful conversations instead of wasting your breath away.

Okay, so I know most of the rules I just typed are basically my own opinions and not exactly rules but I feel that those relate to manners. I mean come on, who considers talking on the phone while eating, in the bathroom, or driving as appropriate? HAVE SOME MANNERS! Anyways, I think I've made my point. GOOD NIGHT TO ALL!


Monday, May 25, 2009

Raise Your Hand If You're Happy @ 8:33 PM

After watching the video and hearing what Comedian, Louis C.K., say about a few things that concerns the technology and the people in this century, got my attention. Man oh man, what he said that came out of his mouth was all true! Well, that's what I think, anyways. The part about complains of delayed planes, internet cut-off, and "SITTING ON A CHAIR IN THE AIR!" got me thinking back when I know nothing about computers, internet, high-tech transportation (ahem, the airplane), I was an adventurous girl roaming around the big hills and all over the mountains. Up and down the forests to the creeks and through big, bustling cities to the wild. I was pretty much active and playing around with the boys, but usually they wouldn't include me 'cause I was a girlie. I was still pretty cool. ANYWAYS, the point is that I was happy. My mind was full of imaginations and inspirations. I DREAMED for things. I felt so much alive, as corny as it sound it's most probably true.

P.S. I never had a cellphone until this year, and since then I've never let go of it. So, I'm thankful for technology. THANK YOU TO ALL THE BRAINERS OUT THERE! MUCH LOVE.


Saturday, April 25, 2009

LET'S PLAAAY BALL! ...With a controller. @ 8:27 PM

Ahh, back in day, I was once had a phase. A gamer phase. Throughout those years I've learned lessons, good and bad. Many were taught the hard way, but I had my moments. There were days when I usually forget the time of day, the day of the month, my chores, and my own self. And usually, my mom would nag, nag, and nag and yet I wouldn't budge. What snapped me out of my trance was when I first step outside my backyard. I saw nature, I saw my own feet, and I saw children playing. Nah, just kidding, but I did snap out of it eventually. So, yes I admit I was a gamer freak (note, slight exaggeration on the word freak) and still play games once in awhile today. I've learned when enough is enough. Sometimes games are okay when you have absolutely nothing to do and when you need a break. No one should waste away their life unless they're majoring on games. :)


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Campaign Trail :) @ 7:46 AM

As a former American Girl, I thought the commercial was hilarious and a well accomplished clip :). It shows what they were going through six years back and six years later. It was powerful and holds a very good message – it’s time for a good change. The great change, my dear, is the new president of the United States of America, Barack Obama -powerful, Intelligent and mostly an amazing man. He can bring greater good to the Americans and who knows? He might even stop this ridiculous, lovable world from falling apart.



Let's write about topics that have been specifically made for us from my school. Thank you have a good day.


You look awesome!
Nothing to look here DONT CLICK! Your Mom Aw, what a cute puppy


December 2008, April 2009, May 2009, June 2009,


Designer: infravermelho
Codes: mannequin}